
Verno is available in Copper, Zinc and Manganese formulations.

The product is formulated as uniform, micro granules that are easy to measure. These granules disperse rapidly in water. When added to water, the result is a fine suspension of micronised particles that can be used for foliar or pop-up application.

Verno, micronutrients, copper, zinc, manganese

Verno's micronised particles persist on plant surfaces, strongly resisting dislodgement by rain, irrigation or wind. This persistence provides plants with a continuous source of available micronutrient ions throughout the growth of the crop.

Verno is manufactured within strict certified standards and high quality parameters by NORDOX AS in Oslo, Norway and distributed world wide. (Management Systems Quality and Environment ISO 9001)

Verno Micronutrients are certified for organic production. Please download current Certificates from the Nordox website.